UNIMA is a Non-Governmental Organisation affiliated to UNESCO bringing together people from around the world who contribute to the development of the art of puppetry with the objective of using this art in the pursuit of human values such as peace and mutual understanding between peoples regardless of race, political or religious convictions and differences in culture, in accordance with the respect for fundamental human rights as difined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10th 1948.
INTERNATIONAL UNIMA arranges a congress with a big festival every fourth year. Both are open to all members. At congress
negotiations each national section is represented by democratically elected delegates. Their number depends on the number
of members in each country. The delegates are members of the so called UNIMA Council which is the union´s most important
decision making body, suggesting policy, choosing the international board (executiv committee) and decides the program of
UNIMA SWEDEN is a non-profit making association which addresses itself to all who are interested in puppet theatre both amateurs,
professionals, organisers and audience.
We maintain a living contact with our members through our web site and
magazine "Dockteatern". We arrange, either ourselves or in co-operation
with others, guestperformances in Sweden from foreign puppet theatres through
which our members have the opportunity, at social
gatherings and meetings, to develop contacts with visiting artists. We aspire to
spread interest in puppet theatre through exhibitions
and information, for example lectures and demonstrations.
As the national branch of a large international organisation we establish and develop international contacts.
You can reach us at the following adress:
P.O. Box 161 98
SE-103 24 Stockholm
E-mail: info@unima.se
Copyright © Alla rättigheter förbehållna Unima Sverige